Theme : enjeux de la mobilité urbaine
127 post(s) match your search
CODATU’s participation to AUF Conference on Sustainable cities and the evolution of urban mobilities, 21 and 22 October 2019
CODATU’s participation to AUF Conference, 21 and 22 October 2019 CODATU participated to the annual Conference organised by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) which took place in Dakar in October 2019 on the following topic...
5 years later, Kochi and the establishment of a Transport Authority
The city of Kochi (Cochin) welcomed in 2017 a first metro line of which Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL), a public limited company, after playing the role of project owner, now ensures its operation and maintenance. The metro was...
Strasbourg-Kairouan-Mahdia cooperation: a major project to promote active mobility is being prepared
The project AUTREMENT The AUTREMENT project is part of the decentralized cooperation Strasbourg-Kairouan that CODATU has been supporting since 2015 on the following axes: road safety, promotion of active modes, promotion of public space...
CODATU and MobiliseYourCity at the COP25 in Madrid
The 25th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP 25) has just concluded in Madrid. CODATU was represented by Vincent Larondelle, responsible for monitoring, evaluation and communication of the MobiliseYourCity Partnership. CODATU...
Feedbacks on the EAMAU Board of Directors
Christian Philip, General Secretary of Codatu, participated on 28/30 November in the EAMAU Board of Directors held in Cotonou. Accompanied by the Rector Thierry Verdel, Rector of the Senghor University, he was able to present, with...