• Nico
    Managing Director, ODA (Cape Town, South Africa) – PRESIDENT OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE

Nico is Managing Director of ODA. He has 25 years experience working in the field of Organisation Development and Change Management. He has predominantly focussed his work on public-private and local government sector mergers, acquisitions, restructuring and post-merger integration processes and has led numerous large scale and complex transformation processes in the Southern African Development Region.

He has developed sector –specific expertise in amongst others the transport sector, the energy sector, the forestry and timber processing industry, as well as the biodiversity conservation and marine services sectors.

In the period 1992 to 1999 he was intimately involved in the democratization of local government structures in South Africa and in 2000 he assumed the statutory position of Independent Chairman and CEO of the Cape Town Unicity Commission. The Commission was responsible for the amalgamation of the seven local authorities into the Cape Town Unicity Authority that today governs and manages Metropolitan Cape Town. In 2003 he acted as independent advisor to the SA Parliamentary Portfolio Committee for Provincial and Local Government on the Municipal Property Rates Act.

Nico has held part-time teaching positions at both the Universities of Cape Town and the Western Cape, and acted as Guest Lecturer in Strategy and Change Management at the SA Naval Staff College in Cape Town. He currently serves as a member of the Scientific Committee of the international transport organization CODATU. He currently acts as industry transition advisor in the Cape Town IRT phase 1 project.

  • O.P. AGARWAL – Senior Urban Transport Specialist at the World Bank Group (Washington, USA)

In the Transport, Water, Information & Communication Technologies Department, O.P. AGARWAL assists and advises all urban transport projects of the World Bank, across all regions.

For nearly 30 years, he was a member of the civil service in India and as one his assignments he headed the urban transport division of the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. He was the key author of India’s National Urban Transport Policy and also developed a five year action plan for improving urban mobility in Indian cities over the 11th five year plan.

He was also the Managing Director of the Urban Mass Transit Company, a joint venture company in India, engaged in developing sustainable urban mobility solutions. He has a master’s degree in Transportation and a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering.

  • AKA Assaffoua Joseph – General Secretary of African Association of Public Transport (UATP) (Abidjan, Ivory Coast)

  • Bernard ARTHUR – Chief Executive Officer of Centre for Urban Transportation (Accra, Ghana)

For nearly 10 years, Bernard ARTHUR works for the Ministry of Local Governements and Rural Development of Ghana. Then he has been involve as a consultant to work on urban development in Ghana. From 2007 to 2010, He was responsible for Institutional Development of both Public and Private Institutions involved on reforming public transportation, particularly mass transportation in Ghana.

Since 2010, in the Center for Urban Transport, he works on improvement of Urban Transportation in Ghana by doing policy analysis and project design, advice to Government and private investors in the sector. He also promote introduction of innovative ideas for the sector as well as acquisition and transfer of knowledge for the sector.

  • Bedilu ASSEFA, General Manager at Anbessa Company (Addis Abeba, Ethiopia)

  • Roger BEHRENS Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering (University of Cape Town), Director of the Centre for Transport Studies (CfTS) (Cape Town, South Africa)

Roger BEHRENS is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering (University of Cape Town), Director of the Centre for Transport Studies (CfTS), and Director of the African FUT Centre of Excellence for Studies in Public and Non-motorised Transport (ACET).

His current research activities relate to three fields. The first is the development of methods and practices to analyse the use of transport systems by pedestrians and to assess the quality of pedestrian infrastructure and environments, and the identification of frameworks through which improvements can be made. The second is the analysis of the dynamics and pace of changing travel behaviour, and the implications this has for the management of travel demand. A third is the regulation and improvement of paratransit, and its interface with integrated, scheduled public transport systems.

He teaches courses on transport system supply and demand management, local area transport planning and management, and non-motorised transportation.

  • Patrice BERGER, International Affairs Director, Lyon Town Planning Agency (Lyon, France)

Patrice BERGER is graduated in architecture and « Sciences Po » In Paris , he has been working as a planner during 35 years in african cities and in Lyon agglomeration. He has been managing a big urban development project at Greater Lyon and joined Lyon Town Planning Agency to be deputy general manager.

For the last 12 years, he has been heading the international activities of the Lyon Town Planning Agency, composed of :

– Benchmarking of best practices of urban policies of European cities,

-Consultancy on planning and transport issues for donors or public local authorities

– Capacity building, expertises, studies, in 15 big cities in Mediterranean, Africa , Asia , South America, in the frame of Lyon city to city cooperation.

In this scope, the last 12 years, he has been notably providing support on planning and transportation issues to Addis Ababa city government.

  • Manfred BREITHAUPT, Senior transport advisor at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), (Eschborn, Germany)

Manfred BREITHAUPT received his Masters in Economics in 1975. After working as Transport Economist for a German consulting company in Europe, Africa and Asia he joined GTZ in 1981 and works as as Senior Transport Advisor.

His experience covers transport planning, transport sector policy and restructuring, commercialisation and institutional development. He advised Governments, transport authorities and municipalities in over 50 countries. Over the last years he worked overwhelmingly in the area of sustainable urban transport. He is the editor of the Sourcebook on Sustainable Urban Transport , meanwhile covering over 30 modules and various training packages, having been translated in various languages and hosts the webpage on sustainable urban transport, www.sutp.org

He also works as an Assistant Professor for transport planning and policy presently at TU Munich and TU Berlin.

  • Wendel COX, Principal at Wendell Cox Consultancy – Demographia (Sain Louis, USA)

Wendel COX is principal of Wendell Cox Consultancy (Demographia), an international public policy firm and specializes in international urbanization, transport and demographics, with a particular interest in strategies that achieve public objectives with the greatest efficiency. Wendell Cox publishes Demographia World Urban Areas, which includesz population, land area and density estimates for all of the world’s urban areas (agglomerations) with more than 500,000 population. He is also co-author of the annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey, which covers more than 300 markets in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Ireland and New Zealand.

He has consulted for public authorities in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and for public policy organizations and lectured widely. He holds appointments at more than 20 policy institutes, such as the Heritage Foundation (Washington) and the Montreal Economic Institute. He serves as visiting professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (a national university) in Paris, where he lectures on transport and demographics. He was appointed to three terms on the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission and to one term on the Amtrak Reform Council and holds an MBA from Pepperdine University in Los Angeles. His internet websites include http://www.demographia.com/ (public policy) and http://rentalcartours.net/ (descriptions of world urban areas)

  • Xavier CREPIN – Senior Adviser for relationship with Civil Society, French Ministry for Foreign Affairs(Paris, France)

Xavier CREPIN received a PhD in Architecture and Master Degree Urban Planning. In 1988 he was appointed as programs Manager for urban and transport cooperation in developing countries, and in 1991 given responsibility for geographical coordination and financial ties between France and Southern African Countries, working for the Minister.

Having managed several World Bank programs as Consultant, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1978 for which he acted as an Adviser in Sub Saharan African countries for Ministers of Housing, Urban Planning, Transport and Public Works. Professor at Paris Sorbonne University and at Rennes University, and giving lectures in various European Architecture, Urban Planning and Transport Institutes.

  • Kaushik DEB – Senior Vice President, Policy, Infrastructure Development and Finance Company (Mumbai, India).

Trained as an applied economist, Kaushik DEB has undertaken several assignments covering a variety of infrastructure sectors, focusing on the policy interventions to correct market failures in the overall context of liberalization of the economy. His experience includes sector restructuring studies in the transport and water sector, energy-environment-economy modeling, the use of green fiscal measures to meet environmental goals, and pricing reforms in basic service provisioning. He has worked closely with several municipal, state, and national level agencies in this sector advising them on policy and operational issues related to organizational and sector restructuring, both as a consultant as well as while serving on subject specific committees set up by various government departments.

With as a Doctor of Sciences from the ETH, Zurich, he guided and implemented research in applied economics in TERI University. He also was the Programme Director of the MBA Programmes in the University. His current portfolio includes policy research and advocacy on infrastructure and environmental economics issues at IDFC.

  • Chhavi DHINGRA – Senior Project Officer, Transport Policy Advisory Services, Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) at GIZ ( New Delhi, India)

Trained as a civil engineer, Chhavi DHINGRA has a Master’s Degree in transportation engineering from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. For the last seven years, she has been researching on issues related to sustainable mobility and transport, and urban development policy and planning in the developing country context. As part of her research activities at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi, she carried out detailed mobility diagnosis and assessments in a number of Indian cities, studied energy and transport access issues for the urban poor, developed a framework for sustainable urban public transport provision in Indian cities, analysed quality issues in public transport, reviewed policies and institutional frameworks enabling provision of public transport and non-motorized transport modes of transport, estimated carbon footprint of urban energy use in India, and conducted training needs assessments for urban transport personnel working in state and city governments in India. In her current role as a Senior Project Officer with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH’s Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP), Chhavi is leading training and capacity building activities on urban transport for a variety of government and non-government stakeholders working on urban transport in developing countries.

Chhavi has authored/contributed to several official reports on subjects like impact assessment of rural road projects in India, review of state transport plans, sustainability reporting on the status of urban transport in India for the UN-CSD, and national road safety action plan. She also has written articles for magazines and newspapers and published technical papers as part of the GIZ publications. Her research interests include addressing access, social and equity issues in transport, quality and performance measurement for urban public transport services, policies to encourage usage of public transport, paratransit and non-motorized transport modes in urban areas, and developing capacity and institutional frameworks resulting in sustainable urban transport planning and provision.

  • Lourdes DIAZ OLVERA, Researcher, Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports (Lyon, France)

  • Esteban DIEZ ROUX – Lead Transport Specialist at Inter-American Development Bank (Washington, USA)

Esteban DIEZ ROUX is a Principal Transport Specialist in the Transport Division at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington DC with over 20 years experience in the transport sector. He leads multidisciplinary project teams in the promotion, development and execution of transportation projects in Latin America. Mr Diez Roux has specialized in the areas of urban transport, ports and freight logistics, air transport, road safety and transport economics. He presently coordinates knowledge and research activities of the Transport Division. A native of Argentina, Mr Diez Roux has worked in the public and private sectors in Argentina and the US. Prior to joining the IDB he worked as an international transport consultant for a large US consulting firm and as commodity trader for an international trading firm.

Mr DIEZ ROUX received a civil engineering degree and completed graduate studies in port engineering in the Universidad de Buenos Aires in Argentina and received a MS and PhD in Transportation Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley.

  • Jean-Pierre ELONG MBASSI – General Secretary, United Cities and Local Governments Africa (Rabat, Morroco)

  • Aimée GAUTHIER – Africa Regional Director, Institute for Transport and Development Policy (New York, USA)

Aimée GAUTHIER has been working at ITDP since 2003, mainly on Sub-Saharan Africa transport projects in Ghana, Senegal, South Africa, and Tanzania. Over the past nine years, she has worked on non-motorized transportation, developing private sector small bicycle businesses and examining the intersection between health care service delivery and transport. She also worked on promotion of bus rapid transit projects in Accra and Dakar, as well as BRT planning in Dar es Salaam and Johannesburg. Based in New York City, she currently works on communications and information sharing.

Before joining ITDP, Aimée worked for five years at the Moriah Fund as the grants and office manager. Aimée holds a master’s degree in urban planning from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and has dual bachelor’s degrees in anthropology and political & social thought from the University of Virginia.

  • Xavier GODARD, Expert on urban transport, French National Institute for Transport and Safety Research (Formerly) (Aix en Provence, France)

Xavier GODARD was Research Director at the Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité (INRETS), France where he has been in charge of developing countries programmes and specialised his own work on the urban mobility systems, applied particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Maghreb and in France. In complement he was a PHD thesis director associated to various universities. He was simultaneously involved in CODATU (Cooperation for urban mobility in the developing world), as a scientific director. He was the chairman of Scientific Committees for conferences held in Caracas (1982), Cairo (1986), Sao Paulo (1990), Tunis (1993), Lomé (2002). He has also been active in SITRASS (Solidarite Internationale sur les Transports et la Recherche en Afrique Sub-Saharienne) the creation of which he contributed. He is especially known for his work on transport challenges in Africa and Maghreb and on the role of the artisanal transport (paratransit). He edited Les Transports et la Ville en Afrique au Sud du Sahara.

After been retired from Inrets he now works as an independent expert and he has advised Codatu in 2007-2011 for a programme in the Mediterranean Region. He conducted the recent publication Urban Transport in the Mediterranenan Region, Guidance and Recommendations.

  • Fekadu HAILE – Road Director, Addis Ababa Municipality (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)

  • Xavier HOANG – Transport and environment expert, Agence Française de Développement – AFD- (Paris, France)

  • Ali HUZAYYIN – Director (formerly), DRTPC, Cairo University (Cairo, Egypt)

Ali S HUZAYYIN is Prof., Transport & Traffic Engineering and Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University and Director (founder) of the Transportation Programme, DRTPC, Cairo University. He is the Editor in Chief, Journal of Eng. & App. Sc., (internationally abstracted journal), published by the Fac. of Eng., Cairo University and is the Founder Director of the Transport & Traffic Engineering and Planning Lab., of the same Faculty. He is member of the Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers (ESE), Registered Consultant Engineer (Transport & Traffic Eng. and Planning), Member of the British Institution of Highways & Transportation (MIHT) and Member of the Board of Directors of the National Authority for Tunnels (NAT) and the National Road Safety Boar. Ali S Huzayyin is holder of the Order of Merit of the 1st Degree, awarded by the President of Egypt, 1996, the State Award of Engineering Sciences, 1990 and the Academy of Science & Technology Award on Transport/Communications, 1988.

Since 1978, he acted as Project Manager, Senior Expert and/or Expert in about 70 consulting and research contracted projects in urban transport planning, traffic management, microscopic analysis of driver behavior, traffic and transport field surveys, parking, road safety, transport policy, environmental transport impacts, public transport planning and operations, institutional development and others. Some were performed in cooperation with, e.g., MIT & GEF (US), Plan Blue, SYSTRA, NESTEAR & INRETS, (France), TRL (UK), JICA (Japan), EU, UNDP & WB. He initiated and organized CODATU international professional training programmes & courses on Transport and Traffic Planning and Engineering; in Togo, Romania, Ethiopia and Vietnam. Furthermore he taught Transport Eng. & Planning in Masters’ courses in Germany and Vietnam.

At the international level, Ali Huzayyin is 1stVice President of CODATU and Member of the Steering Committee of WCTRS, Member of TRB Committee on Transportation in the Developing Countries and the Advisory Board of the Global Research Network on Human Settlements (HS-Net), UN-HABITAT, (UNCHS). Ali Huzayyin enjoyed membership of the Scientific Committees of over 30 international conferences on transport research held in, e.g., Cairo, Jakarta, Sao Paolo, Istanbul, Yokohama, Tunis, New Delhi, Mexico City, Cape Town, Lome, Bucharest, Lyon, Antwerp, Seoul, Abu Dhabi and Ho Chi Minh City. In parallel Ali Huzayyin was an invited speaker in many international transport seminars and events in many cities, e.g., Istanbul, Tokyo, Washington, D.C, Marseilles, Skhirat, Hanoi, Montpellier, Darmstadt, HCMC, Nagoya, New York, Barcelona.

  • John INGLISH – General Manager of Rideuta, Chairman of Sustainable Development Commission of UITP (Salt Lake City, USA)

John INGLISH has worked in the transportation industry for more than 35 years. With an engineering background, Mr. Inglish began his career in 1970 as a systems planning engineer for the Utah State Highway Department. In August 1997, the Utah Transit Authority, (UTA) Board of Trustees appointed John Inglish as the general manager for the Authority. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the University of Denver Intermodal Transportation Institute and the Executive Board of The Intelligent Transportation Society of America. Finally, he chairs the Sustainable Development Commission of UITP.

  • Robert OLIVIER – Director of National and International Affairs at Société de Transport de Montréal (Montréal, Canada)

He is Director of National and International affairs at Société de Transport de Montréal, where he returns after working there as Executive Director – Planning, developpement, communication and marketing for more than 30 years ; Invited professor in Transportation at CNAM in Paris and Scientific Advisor for Global Mass Transit international organisation.

Previously he serve as : Special Advisor and Vice president-Agence Metropolitaine de Transport and Vice-president at Dessau an International engineer firm and President of GESTRANS a Dessau’s subsidiary. He received two Master degree one in Political Sciences and one in Transportation Planning. He is Honorary Vice president of UITP where he served 7 years on the Policy board and Executive board, former CUTA President for 2 years and members of many scientific boards.

  • Kazuaki MIYAMOTO – Professor Tokyo City University, Faculty of Environmental and Information Studies(Yokohama, Japan)

Prof. Kazuaki MIYAMOTO is a Professor at Tokyo City University and a Professor Emeritus of Tohoku University. He was an Associate Professor at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok. In addition, he has been involved in many ODA projects by JICA.

He is a member of Steering Committee and Scientific Committee, WCTRS (World Conference on Transport Research Society). He is currently chairing SIG7 of WCTRS which is a joint activity with CODATU on Urban Transport in Developing Countries. He is also a member of Board of Directors, CUPUM (Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management). His research interests are Urban Modeling, Integrated Urban Planning/Implementation and Public Private Partnerships. He is now acting chair of Private Finance Initiative Promotion Committee in Cabinet Office, the Government of Japan.

  • Maurice NIATY-MOUAMBA, Président of SITRASS (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)

  • Romulo ORRICO FILHO, Professor at COPPE UFRJ (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

  • Derek PALMER, Head of Sustainable Transport Planning, Transport Research Laboratory (Crowthorne, UK)

Derek PALMER is Head of Sustainable Transport Planning at TRL. He has degrees in economics from the Universities of Liverpool and Birmingham. He is also a qualified transport planner and project manager with considerable experience of research, policy development and practice, in central and local government around the world. Derek has led and been involved in a wide variety of transport projects; current projects in Africa include developing sustainable transport in Addis Adaba, advising on setting up research centres in Ethiopia and Tanzania, and on setting up a Road Fund in Nigeria. He has appeared as an expert witness before Select Committees of both the UK Houses of Parliament. Derek is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) and also of the Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT).

Previously his posts included being a researcher at the Centre for Environmental Studies, Specialist Assistant to the House of Commons Select Committee on the Environment, Head of Transport Policy at the Confederation of British Industry, and the Director of Technical Affairs at the CIHT where he led the development of technical guidelines on various aspects of sustainable transport. Currently he is a member of the CIHT Learned Society Board and the Institution of Civil Engineers Transport Experts’ Panel.

  • Dieter SCHWELA – Stockohlm Environnemental Institute at the University of York (York, UK)

Dr Dieter SCHWELA has a background as a physicist and air pollution manager. His current research interests include exposure and risk assessment of air pollutants, risk management procedures and strategies for air quality management in the developing countries of Asia and Africa.

Since April 2005 Dr Schwela has been with the Stockholm Environment Institute working in the “Implementing Sustainability Group”. He coordinates The Transport and Environment – Science Technology (TEST), a three-year capacity building project which will strengthen networking, share knowledge, and enhance research capacity on transport and environment science and technological issues in eastern and southern Africa. The network involves universities from six African countries, UN-Habitat, and the International Forum for Rural Transport and Development (IFRTD).

  • Glen WEISBROD – President of Economic Development Research Group (New York, USA).

Glen WEISBROD has worked for over 30 years on issues of transportation investment decision-making and economic development impacts. He has served as Chair of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Transportation and Economic Development.

He was also formerly on the Board of Directors of the Council for Urban Economic Development (now the International Economic Development Council). His work includes economic impact and transportation project evaluation systems for organisations involved in highway, public transport, energy and airport development. He has worked on projects and programs in South Africa, India, Middle East, Japan, Scotland, Australia and the Netherlands, as well as across the US.

  • Berhanu WOLDETENSAE – Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development of the Addis Ababa university (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) and PhD Candidate at Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports (Lyon, France).

  • ZHUO Jian – Associate Professor at Tongji University (Shanghai, China)

ZHUO Jian is associate professor at the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) of Tongji University in Shanghai (China) and consultant for Veolia Transport RATP Asia. In 2000, he participated in the program “150 Chinese architects in France” jointly initiated by the presidents of China and France. After obtaining the diploma of French-registered architect (DPLG) at the Ecole d’architecture, de la ville et des territories à Marne-la-Vallée, he pursued his research in the field of urban mobility and transportation at École nationale des Ponts et Chaussées where he was awarded Ph. D degree in 2007.

Based in China since 2008, he contributes actively to the exchange between China and Europe. He has been the residential representative of Institute of the City on the move (IVM) between 2008 and 2010. He is now coordinator of double master degree program “Advanced Urbanism” between Tongji University and Weimar Bauhaus University. His research work is tightly relative to the planning, design and management of the urban mobility environment, with focus on the integration of rail transportation in the urban space; the organization of urban transportation hubs and low speed transportation networks; the incitation of urban public transportation development. In the meantime, he is often involved in planning practices in different Chinese cities. Among the most recent projects are Master development plan of Dengfeng City (400,000 inhabitants), the Hangzhou-East high-speed train station and the redevelopment of its surrounding area, improvement of the districts around the metro stations in the suburban areas of Shanghai.

  • Jean Claude ZIV – Professor at CNAM (Paris, France)

2 master degree one in polical sciences and one in transportation planning