Most of cities in developing countries face the dual challenge of an extremely rapid urban transition and the energy transition. In this context of a potential explosion of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions related to the increase in the demand for urban mobility, SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan), or PDU in their French meaning (Plan de Déplacement Urbain), are becoming increasingly important. Southern cities are unique in many ways: in addition to their high population growth rate and weak local capacity, potentially major investments in the near future require specific and innovative solutions to face urban mobility challenges.
This paper, wrote by Jean-Jacques Helluin, who is the Executive Manager of CODATU, discusses the major issues involved in adapting SUMP in southern cities :
- the link between urban planing and transport,
- the overcoming of the North’s mistakes,
- the social dimension of mobility,
- the governance and the financing of sustainable mobility improvement.
>> You can download this paper here (PDF in English version) : Planning urban mobility in developing countries for more energy-efficient cities : the required alliance between global objectives and local needs.