How to implement a new integrated system of public transport in Peru?

This document was developed with the aim of capitalizing the main progress and work done through the Technical Cooperation into the urban mobility field in Peru,established between AFD, CODATU, CEREMA and the Peruvian Ministry of Transport and Communications from February 2016 to August 2018.

Founded by AFD and the French government, the Technical Cooperation is an innovative project in Peru. Its aim is to facilitate discussions and dialogue about public policies following tracks drawn by international and French experiments. The Cooperation supported the Ministry of Transport and Communications on building its strong skills on public transport, specifically in urban transport. It also helped city councils on the modernization of their public transport system.

Thanks to different study cases like Lima-Callao, Arequipa, Trujillo and Cuzco, and from discussions led by the Cooperation, it became possible to publish a document gathering the organizational steps that lead us toward a public transport paradigm shift.

  • Ensure policy and technical continuity of the project
  • Provide an urban tale with a global approach
  • Build an urban public transport project step by step
  • Make the best use of digital technology
  • Communicate and educate with adapted tools
  • Promote discussions and national and global synergies

An urban mobility paradigm shift is processing in Peru, and this booklet (in Spanish) shows good practices and lessons learned through main Peruvian cities cases.