Workshop in Hyderabad: Public Transport, Mobility and Metropolitan Strategies: how to transform cities for a better accessibility?

Actualité CODATU Monday 17 November 2014


and the Urban Community of Bordeaux (France) are pleased to invite you to a one-day workshop that will be held on Monday, November the 24th at the Taj Deccan Hotel in Hyderabad.

This seminar is launching a one-year cooperation programme on urban mobility between Hyderabad Authorities and Urban community of Bordeaux. The partnership between Hyderabad and Bordeaux Local Authorities on urban mobility is also part of a programme leaded by CODATU to promote sustainable urban mobility policy through city-to-city cooperation.

For the last 15 years, the Urban community of Bordeaux has been developing a successful urban mobility policy which transformed deeply the city and made it one of the most attractive agglomerations in France.

Hyderabad will drastically change within the next years thanks to the opening of the future Metro network. With this project, the Capital City of Telangana has the opportunity to improve its whole mobility system, but also to develop and amplify its entire urban strategies.

Thanks to a dialogue between the stakeholders, this participatory seminar will lead discussions on how the metropolitan area of Hyderabad could take advantage of the metro project and increase accessibility of all the city dwellers.


Programme Hyderabad


Partenaires associés

CUB (Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux)

Communauté urbaine de Bordeaux (La Cub) a été créée en 1968 par la loi portant sur les communautés urbaines. Elle devient Métropole le 1er janvier 2015.

Ce passage en Métropole doit être une opportunité pour toutes les personnes qui habitent, travaillent, se déplacent, vivent… sur l’une des 28 communes de la Métropole bordelaise.
L’objectif global est de faire de notre territoire une Métropole de niveau européen à haute qualité de vie ! Tout en préservant l’identité et le rôle de proximité de chaque commune, la Métropole sera un outil de rayonnement international fort.