Urban Mobility India (UMI) Conference and Expo is an annual event with the overarching theme which runs across all the aspects of urban mobility and is organized by the Institute of Urban Transport (India) under the aegis of the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. IUT was created in 1997, following CODATU VII international conference in New Delhi in 1996.
UMI is mandated by the National Urban Transport Policy of the Government of India, 2006 (NUTP). The objective of UMI is to bring together urban transport professionals and officials in the country as well as international experts to enable them to share views and to share their experiences. The conference is marked by interactions and discussions around case studies to assist the cities, whose officials attend the conference, in keeping themselves up to date with best urban transport practices and to carry home ideas to develop their urban transport along a sustainable path. This year, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) is a specific partner as it will expose its strategies for low-carbon transport in India.
Date: Tuesday 24th – Friday 27th November 2015
Venue: Manekshaw Centre (Delhi Cantt) – New Delhi (India)
Theme: “Transforming Mobility for Liveability”
For more information (registration and program), visit UMI website.