UMI-CODATU XVII Conference – Registration is now open!

UMI-CODATU XVII Conference – Registration is now open!
Marion Hoyez
Chargée de projets
CODATU News Tuesday 30 May 2017

to UMI-CODATU XVII Conference !

Registration to the UMI-CODATU XVII Conference, to be held in Hyderabad (India) from 4th to 6th November 2017, is now open. Kindly fill in the form below and proceed with the payment on the PAYPAL platform (you will be redirected automatically). Please note that Indian participants shall register on UMI website :


1…As per the country classification of the World Bank, based on the GNI per capita (Update 2016).

2…To be eligible, students shall provide a documentary evidence of their status. Without this documentation, regular fees will be applied.

General conditions:

  • 10% discount will be granted to delegates registering before July 1st, 2017;
  • Registration fees include: attendance to all the sessions of the Conference, an access to the exhibition area, congress bag and printed material, coffee breaks and lunches to be served during the program;
  • Your registration will be confirmed as soon as the payment is received. Only participants who complete their registration will be included in the programme. If you do not receive a confirmation notice before the conference, please contact CODATU’s secreteriat:;
  • Registration fees include VAT.
  • Cancellation Policy : For cancellations received before or on September 1st, 2017, 50% of the total amount will be refunded. After this date, no refund will be accepted. Please note that registration refunds will be processed within 30 days after the end of the event. Bank charges will be deducted from the refund.
  • If you wish to rent an exhibition space or to be a sponsor of the event, please contact All information related to the sponsorship are available on the wbesite of the joint event:
  • CODATU plans to take photographs and video material and produce them in educational, news or promotional material, in print, electronic or other media, including the CODATU’s and joint event’s website. By participating to the conference, you grant CODATU the right to use your name, photo and biography for such purposes.

For more information, please visit :

Detailed information about the Conference (Programme, Venue, Hotels, training session, study tour, speakers etc.) will be regularly updated on this website. All participants are requested to display their badge during the 3 day programme. Entry without badges will not be permitted.

Remark: You filled in the form but did not succeed to make the payment, click here.


Partenaires associés

Indian Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD)

Ministry of Urban Development is the apex authority of Government of India at the national level to formulate policies, sponsor and support programme, coordinate the activities of various Central Ministries, State Governments and other nodal authorities and monitor the programmes concerning all the issues of urban development in the country.

Institute of Urban Transport (IUT)

Institute of Urban Transport India (IUT) was established in May, 1997 as a professional body under the purview of the Ministry of Urban Development Government of India (MOUD) as a premier professional non-profit making organization and registered under the Societies Registration Act. The objective of the Institute is to promote, encourage and coordinate the state of the art of urban transport including planning, development, operation, education, research and management.