Technical Cooperation Egypt – Intermodality challenges: the case of two metro stations in Cairo

CODATU News Thursday 7 March 2019

The workshop was held as part of the technical assistance agreement cosigned on 12th November, 2017 by the Ministry of Investments and International Cooperation of Egypt (MIIC), the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the CODATU, and the CEREMA. The technical cooperation is funded by the AFD’s Fund for Technical Expertise and Exchanges (FEXTE) and will benefit more specifically the Ministry of Transport who will lead the project for the Egyptian counterpart.

Lack of public transport integration in Greater Cairo

In a region of 20 million people served by only three metro lines that are used by three million passengers a day, it is certain that these daily passengers are obliged to use other modes of transport to access different parts of Greater Cairo. Thus, we can say that Intermodality is surely practiced by Cairo inhabitants, but not necessarily planned by the public authorities. Indeed, the institutional landscape of urban mobility actors is known to be fragmented in Cairo with limited coordination between the institutions.

There are very few examples of good integration between different modes of transport in the Egyptian capital, and even fewer examples of institutional coordination or common tariff policy.

It is essential to highlight that the issue of accessibility of metro stations is important for the attractiveness of different modes of transport and their complementarity, but also for the comfort of users. Better management of intermodality would make it possible to address the accessibility of the city and the optimization of public funds dedicated to transportation.

Regarding forecourt design and multimodal integration of the metro stations in Cairo, the two examples examined during the technical cooperation workshop highlighted the predominance of the car and road infrastructure in the planning process. The pedestrian is neglected although walking is a major mode of transport in the Egyptian capital. In addition, the discussions are generally centered on a given scale, and there is less consideration for the articulation between the different urban scales (region, city, neighborhood…)

Work sessions: necessary integration of modes of transport by the pedestrian





Within the framework of the technical cooperation, the first work-session on intermodality issues and station design took place in Cairo, from 27th to 29th January 2019 at the Ministry of Transport. Two case studies were presented: the Adly Mansour station, the terminus of line 3 and New El-Marg station, the terminus of line 1.

Through a one-day field visit and two working days, the participants from the Ministry of Transports (MoT), the National Authority for Tunnels (NAT), the Egyptian Company for Metro (ECM), and the Greater Cairo Transport Regulatory Authority (GCTRA) examined the intermodality challenges in the two selected stations. Participants were supported by experts from various French companies and institutions:

  • Dr. Zoi Christoforou, senior mobility expert and CODATU consultant within the technical assistance
  • Mrs. Florence Girault, Project Manager in public transportation and intermodality at CEREMA
  • Mrs. Cécile Clément Head of the group « Transport systems and mobility services » at CEREMA
  • Mr. Jean Cornil, Head of the Urban, Territory, and Architecture Department at INGEROP
  • Mr. Christophe Chevallier, Urban Design Director at AREP
  • Mr. Ashraf Sehnouni, Project Manager – Urban Studies Centre – at AREP
  • Mr. François Bruyant, Senior VP Business Development at TRANSDEV
  • and the participation of SYSTRA through Mr. Mahmoud Ashmawy, Deputy Project Manager & Depot Manager Manager at SYSTRA Cairo

>> Read the workshop program here <<

>> Full report coming soon <<

Partenaires associés

Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

L’Agence Française de Développement (AFD) agit depuis soixante-dix ans pour lutter contre la pauvreté et favoriser le développement dans les pays du Sud et dans l’Outre-mer. Au moyen de subventions, de prêts, de fonds de garantie ou de contrats de désendettement et de développement, elle finance des projets, des programmes et des études et accompagne ses partenaires du Sud dans le renforcement de leurs capacités.

Les transports constituent un secteur d’intervention traditionnel de l’AFD. Sur la période 2001-2005, l’Agence a mobilisé environ 164 M€ par an en moyenne pour la mise en œuvre de projets dans le secteur des transports (en incluant les projets de développement rural et urbain comportant des activités de transport).

CEREMA – Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement

Cerema (Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement ), établissement public de l’Etat à caractère administratif, rassemble 3000 experts et agents et comprend 11 directions techniques et régionales qui couvrent tout le territoire français. Centre de ressources et d’expertise scientifique et technique interdisciplinaire, ses actions promeuvent un développement durable des territoires et une économie décarbonée. Ses thématiques principales concernent l’espace public et son aménagement, la mobilité et les infrastructures de transport, l’environnement, l’efficacité énergétique, la maîtrise des risques et le bien-être environnemental de la population.

A ce titre, le Cerema déploie une part importante de ses activités sur les problématiques de la mobilité, des services de transport et des politiques de déplacement des voyageurs et des marchandises, en France mais aussi en Europe et à l’international vers les pays développés, en transition ou en développement.

Le Cerema est représenté auprès de la CODATU par son directeur technique territoires et ville.