Technical cooperation Brazil – The first results of the studies for the renovation of the Central do Brasil (RJ) and Palmeiras-Barra Funda (SP) stations

Technical cooperation Brazil – The first results of the studies for the renovation of the Central do Brasil (RJ) and Palmeiras-Barra Funda (SP) stations
Bruno Almeida Maximino
Chargé de coopération Brésil (2017-2019)
CODATU News Monday 24 September 2018

As part of the technical cooperation signed between AFD, IdF Mobilités, the State of Rio de Janeiro (ERJ) and the State of São Paulo (ESP), two prefeasibility studies for the transformation of Central do Brasil, in Rio de Janeiro, and Palmeiras-Barra Funda, in São Paulo, into new generations stations are financed by AFD. These studies are being developed by EgisArep consortium since April 2018. CODATU participates providing a technical assistance.

In the end of June 2018, two events were held to present the results of the first phase of the studies. The Mission 1 consists of an urban, mobility and users flow in the station diagnosis. The challenges to overcome during the deployment and the first intervention ideas imagined by the consultants were also contemplated.

The technical meeting in Rio de Janeiro, held on June 26th, validated the diagnosis carried out by the consultants, confirming Central do Brasil standing as a growth and urban dynamic vector of Rio de Janeiro downtown, but influencing the whole metropolitan area as well. The presence of the different transportation modes guarantees to the Central do Brasil neighbourhood a role as centrality and modal shift node. However, user experience during this shift could be strengthened through, among other things, the organization of the informal street vendors and as improved sense of safety. Finally, the greater passengers’ flows happen between the suburban trains and the subway. An interesting fact is that a lot of people walk from the station to the central business district, located around 1,5 km from Central do Brasil. This phenomenon can be related to the lack of fare integration between suburban trains and the municipality services (buses and tramway), so users rather walk 20 minutes than paying another ticket.

Workshop in São Paulo. Source: CODATU

The workshop in São Paulo was held in June 28th. The consultants presented the Palmeiras-Barra Funda station important role as neighbourhood and city development driver, fostering the establishment of important industries around it in the beginning of the 20th century. Moreover, users’ flow is quite significant, especially between suburban trains and the subway. In addition, there is an important flow coming from local and long-distance buses, as well as people that use the station as a footbridge between both sides of the railway. Nevertheless, the presentation showed that the pedestrian routes could be enhanced and that the deployment of bicycles infrastructure could encourage the access to the station through the existent cycle paths. Concerning the station flows, it was found that, apart the huge shift between trains and subway, the Southern access is the most used one, due to the existence of several bus stops, universities and cultural and leisure equipments. However, some users’ flow conflicts were highlighted and should be addressed during the study.

Thanks to the multiplicity of institutions presented in both events, the group work allowed the identification of the criteria to be used for the evaluation of the scenario propositions in the next phases of the study.

In Rio de Janeiro, it was highlighted subjects such as urban integration and user experience, especially concerning safety, building rehabilitation for social housing, arrangement between pedestrians and vehicles flows, green landscapes strengthening around the station and coordination of the several stakeholders from public and private spheres.

In São Paulo, the highlighted topics were urban integration, intermodality and planning, especially concerning transfer times, general accessibility and budget and contracting process.

Technical meeting in Rio de Janeiro. Source: CODATU

In both cities, Etienne Lhomet represented Lina Singer, landscaper for urban transportation projects. The speech covered the important role of a transportation landscaper, emphasizing the itinerary integration within the city in such a way that the transportation system be legible and simple to understand by the population, allowing its social appropriation. This presentation complemented the variety of professions involved in urban mobility projects that has been presented since the beginning of the technical cooperation with both Brazilian States. At the previous workshops, experts of different profiles participated such as architect and urban planner, engineer, sociologist, economist, digital specialist and business development specialist.

The studies second phase aims to provide two scenarios for both sites functional program, with implementation costs estimation. The next events within the framework of the studies are scheduled in the second week of September.

In December 2018, the results of the third phase will allow evaluate the relevance of pursuing the studies of the stations and their transformation into new generation stations.

Partenaires associés

Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

planification et la gestion des transports urbains de la Région Métropolitaine du Rio de Janeiro sont sous la responsabilité du Secrétariat d’État aux Transports (SETRANS), de l’Agence Régulatrice des Services Publics Concédés de Transport Maritime, Ferroviaire et Routier de l’Etat de Rio de Janeiro (AGETRANSP) et de la Chambre Métropolitaine, attachés au Gouvernement de l’État du Rio de Janeiro.

Secretaria dos Transportes Metropolitanos do Estado de São Paulo

Secrétariat aux Transports Métropolitains de l’État de São Paulo (STM) est l’entité responsable de la planification et de la gestion des transports urbains ferrés et des bus inter-municipaux dans les régions métropolitaines de l’État de São Paulo.



Créé en 1997 au sein du groupe SNCF par Jean-Marie Duthilleul et Etienne Tricaud, architectes et ingénieurs, le groupe AREP conçoit les espaces fréquentés par les foules à toutes les échelles, du grand territoire métropolitain à celle du mobilier public, du bâtiment à celle du quartier de ville.

L’activité d’AREP repose sur une capacité reconnue de conception et réalisation des lieux du mouvement accueillant des usages complexes en milieu urbain dense avec de forts enjeux techniques et patrimoniaux que constituent aujourd’hui les gares multimodales. Fort de ce savoir-faire, AREP peut aborder efficacement d’autres programmes recevant du public.

Avec une équipe de 900 personnes, comprenant plus de 30 nationalités et constituée d’architectes, d’urbanistes, de designers, d’ingénieurs, d’économistes, de programmistes et de conducteurs d’opérations…, AREP développe ses savoir-faire dans tous les domaines de la ville et du bâtiment : pôles d’échanges et gares ferroviaires, équipements et espaces publics, bureaux, hôtellerie et logements, centres commerciaux, bâtiments techniques.


Egis est un groupe international d’ingénierie, de montage de projets et d’exploitation. En ingénierie et conseil, il intervient dans les domaines des transports, de la ville, du bâtiment, de l’industrie, de l’eau, de l’environnement et de l’énergie. Dans les domaines routiers et aéroportuaires, son offre s’élargit au développement de projets, à l’investissement en capital, au clé en main d’équipements et à l’exploitation.

Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

L’Agence Française de Développement (AFD) agit depuis soixante-dix ans pour lutter contre la pauvreté et favoriser le développement dans les pays du Sud et dans l’Outre-mer. Au moyen de subventions, de prêts, de fonds de garantie ou de contrats de désendettement et de développement, elle finance des projets, des programmes et des études et accompagne ses partenaires du Sud dans le renforcement de leurs capacités.

Les transports constituent un secteur d’intervention traditionnel de l’AFD. Sur la période 2001-2005, l’Agence a mobilisé environ 164 M€ par an en moyenne pour la mise en œuvre de projets dans le secteur des transports (en incluant les projets de développement rural et urbain comportant des activités de transport).