Strasbourg-Kairouan-Mahdia cooperation: a major project to promote active mobility is being prepared

CODATU News Monday 13 January 2020

The project AUTREMENT

The AUTREMENT project is part of the decentralized cooperation Strasbourg-Kairouan that CODATU has been supporting since 2015 on the following axes: road safety, promotion of active modes, promotion of public space and development of neighbourhood life.

In 2018, the Eurometropole in Strasbourg responded to the European Union’s Call for Projects entitled “Local Authorities: Partnerships for Sustainable Cities” in partnership with the Cities of Kairouan and Mahdia, CODATU, ALDA and CEREMA. The submitted project, titled “AUTREMENT”, was retained. It proposes to start from the 4 work themes identified between 2015 and 2018 and to implement the 7 micro-development projects identified in Kairouan, and to extend cooperation to the city of Mahdia (Tunisia) to promote regional cooperation.

This project of 3 million euros, 95% subsidized by the European Union, will start in April 2020 for a duration of 30 months. The aim of the project is to promote sustainable urban development in Kairouan and Mahdia and thereby improve the quality of life of their inhabitants and the economic and tourist attractiveness. The development of active mobility, mainly cycling, through the implementation of dedicated facilities, and the strengthening of citizen participation in local governance, are the cornerstones around which the project will be built.
The main deliverables are: a training program for elected officials and agents, the development of a Sustainable and Shared Urban Mobility Plan (PMUDP) in Kairouan, the implementation of pilot projects for the development of public space in Kairouan and Mahdia, the creation of a bike house in Kairouan as well as numerous events of mobilization and public awareness.

CODATU will recruit the head of mission of the Kairouan-based project office in close collaboration with the general coordinator and other project partners. This person will be responsible for coordinating activities in Tunisia in connection with the municipal teams of Kairouan and Mahdia and with the general coordinator of the project. The job offer will be published in January 2020.

CODATU will notably provide part of the training programme and support the development of the Sustainable and Shared Urban Mobility Plan (PMUDP) in Kairouan. For the proper implementation of the project, CODATU will have the opportunity to mobilize its network of members as well as external consultants.


Preparatory mission

A preparatory mission for the AUTREMENT project took place from 25 to 29 November 2019. It was an opportunity to meet the Mayors of Kairouan and Mahdia, to review the project with all the partners, to agree on administrative and financial management arrangements and to visit the sites which will be the subject of micro-development projects in Kairouan and Mahdia. CODATU was able to make a presentation of the various activities carried out in Tunisia showing similarities with the activities planned in the project AUTREMENT (Car Free Day, Urban Mobility Forum, Mobiliseyourcity Partnership, Sfax-Grenoble Cooperation, etc.). Finally, the delegation was able to meet in Tunis, the Embassy of France, the National Federation of Tunisian Cities (FNVT), the Delegation of the European Union as well as the association Vélorution Tunisia of which CODATU is partner.


Partenaires associés

Eurométropole de Strasbourg

de Strasbourg
réunit aujourd’hui 33 communes. L’Eurométropole est une forme de coopération intercommunale qui introduit la notion de solidarité financière et de défense d’intérêts communs. Tout en préservant l’indépendance des communes, elle assure une meilleure gestion et ouvre un horizon de développements plus vaste dans les domaines qui relèvent de sa compétence.

CEREMA – Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement

Cerema (Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement ), établissement public de l’Etat à caractère administratif, rassemble 3000 experts et agents et comprend 11 directions techniques et régionales qui couvrent tout le territoire français. Centre de ressources et d’expertise scientifique et technique interdisciplinaire, ses actions promeuvent un développement durable des territoires et une économie décarbonée. Ses thématiques principales concernent l’espace public et son aménagement, la mobilité et les infrastructures de transport, l’environnement, l’efficacité énergétique, la maîtrise des risques et le bien-être environnemental de la population.

A ce titre, le Cerema déploie une part importante de ses activités sur les problématiques de la mobilité, des services de transport et des politiques de déplacement des voyageurs et des marchandises, en France mais aussi en Europe et à l’international vers les pays développés, en transition ou en développement.

Le Cerema est représenté auprès de la CODATU par son directeur technique territoires et ville.


European Commission

The European
(EC) is an institution of the European Union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the EU treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the EU.