The 8th Africities Summit, organised by United Local Government and Cities of Africa (CGLU), in collaboration with the Moroccan Communal Council Presidents Association (AMPCC) and the Association for Moroccan Regions (ARM) and supported by the Kingdom of Morocco Home Secretary, took place in Marrakesh from 20 to 24 November 2018.
The theme of this edition was « Transition towards sustainable cities and territories, the role of territorial communities in Africa”. Three special days were organised around Migration, Climate, and Urban planification issues. The meeting was attended by 8300 participants representing more than 77 countries, including 53 African countries and around 3000 local officials, mayors and territorial communities’ leaders.
MobiliseYourCity Morocco program representatives were present and participated to the round table exchanges about “The Sustainable Mobility Revolution”.
The Africities Summit 2018 pointed out two key actors without whom transition towards sustainable cities and territories wouldn’t be possible in Africa: women and young people.
The 9th Africities Summit edition will be held in 2021 in Kisumu, Kenya.
Partenaires associés
Cités et Gouvernements Locaux Unis d’Afrique est l’organisation faîtière et la voix unie assurant la représentation des collectivités locales de l’ensemble du continent africain. Elle est née de la fusion des trois associations de collectivités locales préexistantes qu’étaient l’ l’Union Africaine des Autorités Locales (AULA), l’Union des Villes Africaines (UVA) et le chapitre africain de l’organisation lusophone des autorités locales, Ciudades Unao Capitaes y Lusofono Africana, Americanay Asiatica (UCCLA). CGLUA rassemble 40 associations nationales de collectivités locales de toutes les régions d’Afrique, ainsi que 2000 villes comptant plus de 100 000 habitants. CGLUA ne représente pas moins de 350 millions de citoyens africains.
Membre fondateur de l’organisation mondiale CGLU Afrique, elle en est la section régionale pour l’Afrique. Son siège est situé dans la ville de Rabat, Royaume du Maroc, où elle jouit d’un statut diplomatique en tant qu’Organisation Internationale Panafricaine.
Initiated by CODATU, MobiliseYourCity supports local governments in developing countries to plan sustainable urban mobility in order to develop more inclusive, liveable and economically efficient cities and reduce GHG emissions.
100 cities and 20 national governments will be engaged in deep transformational actions through the implementation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) supported by National Sustainable Urban Mobility Policies and Programmes (NUMP). MobiliseYourCity aims to assist cities in their efforts to cut at least 50% of their urban transport related emissions by 2050 compared to business as usual.
With the support of a coalition of international partners (development agencies, urban and transport planning agencies, NGOs and development banks), MobiliseYourCity provides a methodological framework, capacity building and technical assistance, and facilitates access to financing at both local and national levels. The partnership will set up an international reference platform to share best practices about sustainable urban mobility planning and implementation of SUMPs and NUMPs.