CODATU and GART conduct a joint session together at the occasion of RNTP in Marseille

CODATU and GART conduct a joint session together at the occasion of RNTP in Marseille
Caroline Bourdais
Chargée de projet & communication / Communication & project manager
CODATU News Tuesday 17 October 2017

and GART conduct a joint session together at the occasion of RNTP in Marseille

A joint session held by CODATU and GART took place during the 26th National Meeting on Public Transport (RNTP) on october 11th, in Marseille, France, on the thematic of urban mobility in the Mediterranean. This session was held by Jean-Jacques Helluin, CODATU’s Executive Manager, with Olivier Badard (Head of RATP Development in Asia, Middle East and North Africa), Sylvie Ferrarin (SUMP Project Manager for Aix-Marseille Provence Metropolis), Mohammed Mezghani (Deputy Chief Administrative Officer for the International Union of Public Transports), and Christian Philip (CODATU’s Chief Administrative Officer), as speakers.

After discussing the issues of governance of urban mobility in the countries of the euromediterranean zone, and the actions implemented in these territories in order to improve the daily mobility, the speakers debated on the different planning and consultation tools, as well as the importance of training into the Mediterranean countries.

What comes out of these discussions is the need for assisting the creation of Public Transport Authorities depending on the contexts, in a region where we already know failure cases, as well as successes, and a lot of creations in process. Mobility is often a subject that directly raises governance issues. The Region also faces training challenges, because of a lack in this field in the previous decade, and it turns out to be tricky to find executives to replace those who retire.

Partenaires associés

Groupement des Autorités Responsables de Transport (GART)

Plus de 200 autorités organisatrices de transport – autorités organisatrices de la mobilité, départements et régions français – sont adhérentes auprès du GART. Fondé en 1980, le GART est une plate-forme d’échanges et de réflexion au service des élus transport, le GART propose des axes de travail visant à impulser la mise en place de la mobilité durable. Le GART représente toutes les sensibilités politiques.