October 23-25, 2014 – IsDB/GIZ- Training on The Role of Sustainable Urban Transport in the Framework of African Cities in Rabat, [Morocco].

Chantal PICARD
Assistante du Délégué Général
Evénement Publié le Tuesday 21 October 2014
Début : 23/10/201408:00
Fin : 25/10/201417:00

training is jointly organized by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) in cooperation with the Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDB) and will focus on Sustainable Urban Transport in the framework of African Cities. The workshop will be held in Rabat, Morocco in October 2014. Jointly organized by IsDB and GIZ, it aims to enable participants to obtain an overview on sustainable urban transport approaches in North Africa and worldwide.

Participation is free of charge, however, travel expenses and accommodation need to be covered by participants. If you have someone in mind to participate, feel free to forward the invitation.

For more information : http://www.sutp.org/images/articles/Agenda_Training_Rabat_Morocco_IsDB_GIZ.pdf

Partenaires associés

GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)

GIZ est l’agence allemande de coopération internationale pour le développement. La GIZ a été fondée en 2011, elle fait suite à la GTZ agence de coopération technique fondée en 1974.

La GIZ est porteuse de la plateforme SUTP, “Sustainable Urban Transport Project” dont le but est d’aider les villes en développement à mettre en place des systèmes de transport durable.

La GIZ est membre du réseau Bridging the Gap auquel CODATU participe également.