creative event…
For the first time, CODATU participated to the Movin’On Summit, yearly event organized by Michelin in order to gather the ecosystem of sustainable urban transport. In Montreal, Michelin got associated with C2, event management firm which is famous for its creativity and its participatory facilitation methods, and that was indeed an excellent choice. Each participatory session was led by a facilitator from C2, with specific methods enabling a quick and efficient thought process in groups of 5 to 8 people (true case studies in the presence of representatives from cities/metropolis, or urban transport stakeholders such as operators, drivers, users etc. Among other sessions, CODATU participated to the workshops organised by PPMC (“Achieving zero-emission cities by 2050”), L’Oreille (“An african pathway to sustainable mobility”) and the African Association of Public Transport – UATP (“Onboarding the informal transport sector in Africa to improve mobility”). The facilitation methods were of great inspiration for CODATU.
Finally, CODATU met a number of stakeholders from France and from abroad, such as representatives from Clermont-Ferrand, Rennes (France), Montreal, Guarulhos (Sao Paulo State, Brazil), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Amaravati (India), the State of California, as well as the Montreal network of La Fabrique des Mobilites (OuiShare Quebec, Cooperation Carbon).
… which came as an opportunity to launch CODATU’s Call for an alliance of cities for sustainable urban mobility :
CODATU was invited by Michelin to organize a participatory session with SYTRAL, Grand Lyon and the city of Amaravati (India) about multimodality dedicated to citizens, with the example of the cooperation between Lyon and Kochi. On the basis of this enriching experience, CODATU launched a Call for an Alliance of Cities for a Sustainable Urban Mobility called AllCities4OnePlanet which aims at giving a new impetus to city-to-city cooperations in the field of mobility, and facilitate the establishment of relationships between cities, as an important lever of the fight against Climate Change. The main idea is that global warning does not have territorial or national borders, and that all efforts led by the national and local governments of the North will be in vain if at the same time the cities of the South are not supported effectively. We estimate that an annual effort of 0,02% of the current budget of Northern cities, mainly in himan resources, supplemented by en efficient methodology of partnership between cities, will bring a tremendous change in the South.
This establishement of relationships between cities is facilitated by a web platform called AllCities4OnePlanet which gathers a bunch of information about city-to-city cooperation and about the philosophy which gave birth to this call. Through an onlime form, cities can apply or express their interest to join the initiative. Organisations or individuals willing to be part of the initiative can also join as partners.
This initiative will be presented all along 2018’s second semester, during international events, or during bilateral meetings with CODATU. From 2019, CODATU will take stock of the partner cities and will propose relevant partnerships, depending on the caracterictics and current challenges of the city. In some cases, CODATU can help in finding fundings for these partnerships.
For more information : Allcities4OnePlanet.org
The website is still in the process of improvement. It shall be fully ready by the end of July 2018.