Ecomobility Dialogues 2015: CODATU presents results of World Summit Climate and Territories

CODATU News Thursday 15 October 2015


October 7th, 8th and 9th, CODATU was invited to the Ecomobility Dialogues 2015, within the Ecomobility World Festival held in October 2015 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

These transport expert discussions aimed at contributing to commenting technical papers on Transport and Climate, in the perspective of the negotiations on Climate Change to be held in December 2015 in Paris (COP21). This was also the opportunity to show the mobilisation of the international community for transport towards more attention paid to the transport sector, one of the first sector in terms of CO2 emissions, during COP21.

CODATU presented the conclusions of the transport and mobility workshop of the World Summit Climate and Territories organized in Lyon on 1 and 2 July. It emphasised on the importance of sustainable urban planning policies as effective tools to achieve the transition towards more sustainable and low carbon urban transport in order to develop more liveable and inclusive cities, particularly in developing countries.

2015-10-08 17.03.48CODATU also intervened, together with the other experts, to help local decision makers from 15 different cities from all over the world finalise the Johannesburg declaration on Ecomobility. The declaration reaffirms the willingness and determination of local decision makers to act now to achieve the transition towards a more sustainable urban mobility in their respective cities. This declaration will contribute to the mobilisation of non-state stakeholders in the transport sector during COP21.

During these three days, CODATU also presented the initiative MobiliseYourCity to several local representatives. It continues to attract much interest from representatives of local authorities and relevant ministries.


For more details, please contact Mael Martinie.