Meetings of the MED Urban Transports Community

Meetings of the MED Urban Transports Community
Chargée de projet / Project manager
CODATU News Tuesday 22 May 2018

The ”Med
Urban Transports” Community
, led by the GoSUMP project, took part in the « MADE in MED » event organised by the European Interreg MED Program in Rome, on 18-19 April 2018. It was the mid-term event of the Interreg MED Program for the 2014-2020 programming period. The 90 projects of the Program were represented and were able to introduce themselves and share in the exhibition space. Presentations and debates enabled the 800 participants (policy and decision-makers, experts, project partners, media, etc.) to reflect on the future of the Mediterranean in relation to the thematic objectives of the Program: climate change, blue economy and inclusive growth.

On the occasion of the MADE in MED event, the project partners of GoSUMP held their 3rd steering committee and organized a day of thematic workshops with the different projects of the community. These workshops were a continuation of a first serie organized in September 2017 and focused on the following themes:

  • TOURIST DESTINATIONS: Solutions to tackle mobility challenges in cities, derived from their tourist nature / activities.
  • SPECIFIC SUB-AREAS OF TRIP GENERATION / ATTRACTION: Solutions to tackle mobility challenges derived from specific sub-areas (e.g. University campuses, ports, mixed-use & high-density areas surrounding city centres).
  • PARTICIPATORY PLANNING & PROCESSES: Solutions to involve target groups in mobility planning.
  • ELECTRIC MOBILITY: Information and Communications Technology solutions related to mobility.
  • LOW CARBON TRANSPORT MODES / SERVICES: ‘Physical’ solutions / infrastructure related to sustainable means of transport.

CODATU was able to make a progress report on (i) the ex-ante evaluation of the GreenHouse Gas (GHG) emission reductions associated with the implementation of the “Med Urban Transports Community” projects and (ii) the process of data collection and results analysis.

Finally, a technical study visit of the Limited Traffic Zone in Rome city centre has been organized by the Rome Mobility Agency. Next GO SUMP International Event will be hosted in Barcelona next November 2018.

About GoSUMP project

The « MED Urban Transports” Community represents Interreg MED projects that work towards achieving tailor-made sustainable urban mobility plans and solutions in the Mediterranean area. The Community is led by the GoSUMP project partners (Malaga City Council, UNIMED, MedCities, Eurocities, RDA Green Karst et CODATU) and founded by the European Commission and ERDF. CODATU is in charge of preparing data to be transferred, capitalise the results and help to disseminate them.

If you are interested to follow the MED Urban Transports Community, please register to the project newsletter , consult the “MED Urban Transports” Community website and follow the Med Urban Transports Community on twitter: @interreg_gosump

Partenaires associés


is the network of major European cities. Its members are the elected local and municipal governments of major European cities.

Malaga City Council

City Council


is a network of Mediterranean cities created in Barcelona in November 1991.

The creation of MedCities was a consequence of the willingness of strengthening decentralised actions involving technical assistance as the best means of promoting awareness of urban environmental problems and making those actions into a vehicle for empowering municipalities in developing countries in respect of management of urban environmental issues. MedCities continues offering this support. Since then, MedCities has extended its activities from the initial local environment to the wider local sustainable development field.

MedCities Goals

Being a network of Mediterranean towns and cities belonging to different countries, its purpose is urban sustainable development as a way to improve living conditions in the Mediterranean region.

The main aims and purposes of the network are:

  • to develop the awareness of interdependence and common responsibility as regard policies of sustainable development, environmental conservation and social cohesion of the Mediterranean basin
  • to reinforce the role, competences and resources (institutional, financial and technical) of local administrations in the adoption and implementation of sustainable local development policies
  • to develop citizens’ awareness and involvement in the sustainable development of their towns and cities
  • to get under way and develop policies for direct cooperation and partnership between partners and with other associations
RDA Green Karst

The Regional Development Agency Green Karst, Ltd. (RDA Green Karst) acts as an institution on the regional level with the aim of enhancing development in all aspects of working and living in the Primorsko-notranjska region. It functions as a regional co-ordinator of interests on the local as well as on the national level in the fields of regional development, economy, human resources, environment and natural resources management, and rural development.

The RDA Green Karst is a non-profit organization, aimed at developing, enhancing and sustaining regional development. It provides development, organizational, technical and professional support for the development of the region through the following services:

  • coordination and communication with the aim of enhancing participation of regional stakeholders,
  • project development and management, including financial management,
  • training for public and private sector,
  • information, communication and promotion activities.

There are two departments within the RDA:

In addition to other activities, the RDA has been actively involved in numerous international projects (INTERREG III A, INTERREG III B, MEDITERAN, and other national and international programmes), funded by the EFRD, ESF etc. This is one of the main focuses for future activities as well.

The RDA Green Karst is a reliable partner with extensive experience in project management, consulting services and regional development. Our staff are dedicated, knowledgeable about various areas of interests and determined to generate changes in our natural and social environment. Therefore we welcome you to contact us with the possibility of creating future partnerships.


UNIMED, the Mediterranean Universities Union, founded in October 1991, is an association of Universities from the countries of the Mediterranean basin (
). It counts 103 associated Universities coming from 23 countries of both shores of Mediterranean (data updated to November 2017).

UNIMED’s aim is to develop university research and education in the Euro-Mediterranean area in order to contribute to scientific, cultural, social and economic cooperation. UNIMED acts in different fields: tangible and intangible cultural heritage, economics, energy, environment, management of water resources, transports, health, media, new technologies, history, tourism. The image that better represents our association is that of a University Without Walls.

UNIMED carries out the following activities in favour of the associated Universities:

• Promotion of the international dimension of universities;
Planning and fund-raising activities: information on call for proposals and opportunities offered by international and European Commission, partnership search, technical assistance, planning; dissemination;
Promotion of mobility in the Euro-Mediterranean region, for students, researchers and academic staff;
• Technical assistance for the enhancement of quality assurance in university education;
• Creation of thematic Sub-Networks to foster the scientific cooperation within specific fields;
• Organization of meetings, discussions, seminars and round tables both at a national and international level;
• Training for academic and administrative staff of Universities, particularly for the personnel of International Relations Offices.

Through the many initiatives carried out over the two decades, UNIMED has promoted the collaboration between universities of the Mediterranean, becoming a point of reference of the international university cooperation.