CODATU’s projects in Indian Ocean – Mission report

CODATU News Thursday 10 October 2019

CODATU is developing several projects in Indian Ocean

CODATU Executive Manager was invited to speak at the conference on the Sustainable City in the Indian Ocean in Mauritius on June 19-20, 2019, and then went to Madagascar to develop partnerships in a country where urban mobility becomes major issue.

Three specific projects emerge from these numerous meetings:

  • continuing exchanges with AVCOI (Association of Indian Ocean Cities) to develop a capacity building program for local councils and a community of practice to promote of sustainable urban mobility.
  • setting up an Urban Mobility Forum for the Greater Antananarivo in 2020, In support of the Malagasy Ministry of Transport, with the aim of establishing a roadmap for reforms and projects to be implemented, starting by making clearer the powers and capacities of local actors.
  • in partnership with the Ministry of Transport, proposing to all stakeholders a re-launching of the PAMU (Urban Mobility Improvement Program) with the implementation of a pilot line Taxi-Be (minibus), quite exemplary in terms of management and rolling stock to inspire the evolution of the whole « artisanal system » which currently transports more than one million people per day in the capital.

Following the mission, the Malagasy State joined the MobiliseYourCity initiative at the national level, in July 2019. Two cities were already present for the local level: Antananarivo and Mahajanga.

In addition, a fruitful debate was organized between CODATU and the APUM (Association of Urban Professionals in Madagascar) on urban mobility issues in Madagascar, which is transcribed in the report and will be the subject of a specific article.

CODATU thanks the French Embassy in Mauritius for its invitation and the support of the trip to Mauritius, as well as all the partners met in Madagascar, notably the Minister of Transport Joel Randriamandrato and his technical adviser Charles Rakotonirina, as well as the World Bank, AFD, GIZ, the Association of Urban Professionals in Madagascar, and the Urban Commune of Antananarivo. The detailed report (70 pages – French Language) is available to CODATU members upon request from


Jean-Jacques Helluin (CODATU Executive Manager) / Joël Randriamandrato (Minister of Transport, Tourism and Meteorology) / Charles Rakotonirina (Minister Adviser, CODATU correspondent in Madagascar) (CODATU – July 2019)


Urban railroad in disappearance (North Ankorondrano, CODATU – July 2019)