CODATU introduces MobiliseYourCity at the World Urban Forum 9

CODATU introduces MobiliseYourCity at the World Urban Forum 9
Marion Hoyez
Chargée de projets
CODATU News Monday 26 February 2018

is the World Urban Forum (WUF) ?
The World Urban Forum is the world’s premier conference on urban issues, which is organized every two years in a different city by UN-Habitat, a programme of the United Nations for Human Settlements. Being a non-legislative forum, the WUF is a major meeting to follow-up with the implementation of SDG 11 (Sustainable Development Goal #11: sustainable cities and communities) and the New Urban Agenda (signed at the Habitat III Conference in Quito in 2016).

“Cities 2030, Cities for all: Implementing the New Urban Agenda”

CODATU and the secretariat of MobiliseYourCity participated through out the 9th World Urban Forum which took place in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) from 7th to 13th February 2018. The MobiliseYourCity partnership was represented both in the exhibition area (stand number 180) and in several working and networking sessions. Our stand attracted a large number of delegates, among which representatives from various cities and countries (Botswana, Gambia, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Uganda) which showed a great interest in the programme. The Forum has also been an opportunity to discuss and associate with major players of the transport community, such as Connective Cities, the World Resource Institute (WRI), and Platforma.

MobiliseYourCity actively participated in the working and networking sessions organised by:

  • ITDP: “What does inclusive Transit-Oriented Development means to you?” [Thursday 8th February, 9.00-11.00am]
  • CODATU and the Ateliers de Cergy: “Articulating Urban development, infrastructures and mobility in african cities. The case of Douala.” {Friday 9th February, 11.00-12.00pm / on the French Pavillion]
  • SLoCaT: “Capacity building to deliver sustainable urban mobility for all” [Sunday 11th February, 9.00-11.00am]
  • GiZ : “Integrated & Sustainable Urban Mobility: Effective Sector Transformation through institutional Frameworks & Investment” [Monday 12th February, 2.00-3.00pm / German Pavillion].

CODATU visits the first elevated BRT network

CODATU also got the opportunity to participate in a visit of the public transport network of Kuala Lumpur (LRT, metro) organised by TUMI Initiative (GIZ), with a focus on the BRT network (Sunway Line) developped under a PPP model and operational since June 2015. The 5,4km-long system serves the densily populated areas of Sunway and Subang Jaya and is the first of its kind to be elevated and powered by electric buses. Although it is well interconnected with the existing LRT system (at 2 stations), the ridership is still very low and the area still relies very much on cars.

The French presence at the WUF9

France was represented by a delegation of about 90 persons from the Government, but also from local authorities, companies, researchers and NGOs gathered within the French Partnership for cities and territories (PFVT). The delegation was headed by representatives from the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition and territories’ cohesion.

The French Pavillion was managed by the PFVT , which took this opportunity to publish a document entitiled “Territories Alliance: Reinforcing solidarities between urban, peri-urban and rural territories and encouraging a sustainable and inclusive development”. CODATU contributed to the recommendation n°7 which deals with improving urban and peri-urban mobility to reduce socio-spatial inegalities and boost the territories.

The publication is available at the following adress:

Partenaires associés

Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

L’Agence Française de Développement (AFD) agit depuis soixante-dix ans pour lutter contre la pauvreté et favoriser le développement dans les pays du Sud et dans l’Outre-mer. Au moyen de subventions, de prêts, de fonds de garantie ou de contrats de désendettement et de développement, elle finance des projets, des programmes et des études et accompagne ses partenaires du Sud dans le renforcement de leurs capacités.

Les transports constituent un secteur d’intervention traditionnel de l’AFD. Sur la période 2001-2005, l’Agence a mobilisé environ 164 M€ par an en moyenne pour la mise en œuvre de projets dans le secteur des transports (en incluant les projets de développement rural et urbain comportant des activités de transport).

European Commission

The European
(EC) is an institution of the European Union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the EU treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the EU.

GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)

GIZ est l’agence allemande de coopération internationale pour le développement. La GIZ a été fondée en 2011, elle fait suite à la GTZ agence de coopération technique fondée en 1974.

La GIZ est porteuse de la plateforme SUTP, “Sustainable Urban Transport Project” dont le but est d’aider les villes en développement à mettre en place des systèmes de transport durable.

La GIZ est membre du réseau Bridging the Gap auquel CODATU participe également.