CODATU @ Habitat III (16-20 Oct 2016, Quito) : presentation of MobiliseYourCity and dissemination of the message « The accessibility we need »

CODATU @ Habitat III (16-20 Oct 2016, Quito) : presentation of MobiliseYourCity and dissemination of the message « The accessibility we need »
Mael Martinie
MobiliseYourCity Coordinator
CODATU News Saturday 15 October 2016

addition to the message « The accessibility we need » that CODATU and its network forwarded to the Secretariat of the UN conference Habitat III that will take place in Quito (Ecuador) from 16 to 20 October, CODATU will attend the conference to present MobiliseYourCity. This initiative that supports transition of developing cities and countries towards a low-carbon urban mobility, particularly fits the New Urban Agenda (develop liveable and sustainable cities for all within a participatory process, establish a framework at the national level, develop capacity building activities for local and national stakeholders).

During this 4-day conference, CODATU will showcase the initiative together with its partners (ADEME, AFD, CEREMA, GIZ) to present latest improvements of the initiative (structuring of the governance, fund raising campaign, methodology, first workshops “Mobilise Days” in Cameroon and Morocco), and present the next steps: official announcement of first cities and countries joining during COP22 climate conference in Marrakesh, as well as implementation of the initiative in the countries in early 2017. These presentations will also be the opportunity to give the floor to local stakeholders in charge of mobility from various countries.

Below, the details of the presence of CODATU in HABITAT III:

Date Time Event Organiser Room Place
15-Oct 18h00-20h00 16th steering committee meeting World Urban Campaign Mercure ALAMEDA Hotel
16-Oct 08h00-10h00 16th steering committee meeting World Urban Campaign Mercure ALAMEDA Hotel
17-Oct 15h00-16h00 MobiliseYourCity: Towards sustainable urban mobility in developing cities and countries: mobilisation of the French stakeholders PFVT French Pavilion HIII Conference Center(Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana “Benjamin Carrion”)
18-Oct 16:30-18:30 Intervention during Networking event QAPSUM SLoCaT Partnership,
Co-organisers ITDP, WRI-EMBARQ
MR18 HIII Conference Center(Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana “Benjamin Carrion”)
19-oct 16h00-16h30 Pecha Kucha presentation during Transport Day SLoCaT PPMC TBD Centro de Convenciones Eugenio Espejo, Quito, Ecuado
20-oct 8h00-8h45 MobiliseYourCity: presentation of the initiative and discussions HIII Espace Urban Future HIII Conference Center(Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana “Benjamin Carrion”)

If you plan to attend the conference, we invite you to join us for these events.
Please forward the information in your respective networks.


More information : Maël Martinie (