Julien Allaire
Directeur des activités internationales
CODATU News Monday 30 November 2015

Agenda during COP21 focuses mainly on the presentation of MobiliseYourCity initiative. Different events are organized in the “Blue Zone” (see the following table) -where accreditations are needed-, in the Climate Generation Zone – at Le Bourget- and in Paris Inner City (Grand Palais, etc.). For Transport Community the two main events will be the Transport Focus the 3rd of December when will be presented the different initiatives part of the Lima-Paris Action Agenda (LPAA) and the Transport Day the 6th of December, at International Union of Railways (UIC). But CODATU is also involved in events within the Cities and Local Governements’ Agenda.

Transport Focus in the Blue Zone on Thursday December 3rd, 2015.

The Lima-Paris Action Agenda capitalises on the invitation to the incoming Presidencies of the COP to enhance the implementation of climate action. The last COP20/CMP10 Peruvian Presidency, the COP 21/CMP 11 French Presidency, the UNFCCC Secretariat and the Executive Office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations have joined their forces in order to involve both state and the non-state actors in implementation of mitigation action even before 2020. MobiliseYourCity Initiative will be officially launched during this event ! MobiliseYourCity aims to assist, by 2020, 100 cities engaged in deep transformational actions through the implementation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) supported by National Sustainable Urban Transport Policies (NUTP).

Transport Day at UIC (Paris XVe) on Sunday December 6th, 2015.

This event is organized by the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT Partnership), together with Bridging the Gap Initiative (BtG Initiative), and the Michelin Challenge Bibendum (MCB) following up the success of Transport Day 2014 in Lima, Peru. During this event CODATU and the partners of MobiliseYourCity will facilitate a breakout session on Low Carbon Urban Transport –challenges for planning and implementation in a multi-level governance context.

The programme is available here
For registration please follow the link !

MobiliseYourCity in the Cities and Sub-national Agenda

MobiliseYourCity will be also presented in various events organized by Cities and Local Governments to highlight there role in mitigation: the Cities and Sub-national Focus of the LPAA the 8th of December, but also in partnership with the organizers of major events which occurred in 2015: the World Summit for Climate and Territories in Lyon, July 2015 and MEDCOP21 in Marseille, June 2015.

List of CODATU’s Events

Date & Time


Main organizer


30 November

Promoting Low Carbon Transport

German Government

Blue Zone
German Pavillion

2 December

From World Summit Climate and Territories to the COP21 and beyond: proposals and common dynamics of the non-states actors

World Summit Climate and Territories

Climate Generation
Room 4

2 December

Linking ambition to action- Success factors for low carbon development pathways in transport sectors

Bridging The Gap

Blue Zone
Room 1

3 December

Press Release

Lima Paris Action Agenda

Blue Zone

3 December

Transport Focus (Thematic day on Transport)
Official Launch of MobiliseYourCity Initiative

Lima Paris Action Agenda

Blue Zone
Observer Room 12

3 December

Clean Mobility Reception
(Invitation only)

Paris Process for Mobility and Climate

Pavillon Gabriel

4 December

Urban Mobility Policies and Climate Change


Blue Zone
France Pavillion

6 December

6 December

Transport Day

Breakout session on urban mobility: Low Carbon Urban Transport: Challenges for planning and implementation in a multi level governance context

Paris Process for Mobility and Climate


International Union of Railways (UIC)

7 December

After the WSCT : what are the challenges at stake for the non-party stakeholders in climate negociation ?

World Summit Climate and Territories

Grand Palais, zone Agora Comité 21

7 December

Messages From Non-State Actors on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport

Dutch Government

Blue Zone Netherlands Climate Pavilion

8 December

Lima Paris Action Agenda (LPAA) Cities and sub-nationals Focus

Lima Paris Action Agenda

Blue Zone
Observer Room 12

8 December

Presentation of MobiliseYourCity Initiative


Climate Generation Zone B


Partenaires associés

FFEM (Fond Français pour l’Environnement Mondial)

Depuis 20 ans, le Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM) est un fonds public destiné à favoriser la protection de l’environnement mondial dans les pays en développement. Le FFEM contribue au financement de projets de développement ayant un impact significatif et durable sur l’un ou l’autre des grands enjeux de l’environnement mondial : biodiversité
, changements climatiques , eaux internationales , dégradation des terres incluant la désertification et la déforestation , polluants organiques persistants , couche d’ozone.


PPMC (Paris Process on Mobility and Climate)

The PPMC is an open and inclusive platform that actively invites all organizations and initiatives that support effective action on transport and climate change to join in the process. The PPMC is created to strengthen the voice of the sustainable transport community in the UNFCCC process, especially with a view to the upcoming Conference of Parties (COP21) in December 2015 in Paris. COP21 is expected to result in a new global agreement on climate change, which will shape climate policy in the years to come at a global, regional and national level. By bringing together different actors and stakeholders in the sustainable transport community it will be possible for the transport sector to have its voice heard and speak with one voice on the important contribution that sustainable mobility can make to the mitigation of, and adaptation to climate change.

For more information on the PPMC download the Fact
Sheet Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (draft 25 May



BMUB (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety)

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) is responsible for a range of government policies which are reflected in the name of the ministry itself. For more than 25 years the Ministry has worked to protect the public from environmental toxins and radiation and establish an intelligent and efficient use of raw materials; it has advanced climate action and promoted a use of natural resources that conserves biodiversity and secures habitats.

Ministère français de la Transition Écologique et Solidaire (MTES)

Le MTES reflète la volonté du Président de la République de se doter d’un outil institutionnel performant, véritable autorité environnementale en charge du portage des politiques exemplaires de l’Etat.



Bridging the Gap

crée en 2009 lors de la Conférence des Parties en Pologne (COP14) par un ensemble d’institutions voulant renforcer le lien entre les transports terrestres et le climat.

Son objectif est de renforcer la reconnaissance du lien entre les transports terrestres et le changement climatique afin que ce secteur soit intégré aux politiques de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans le prochain accord sur le climat qui sera négocié en fin 2015 pour la période post-2020. En attendant cet accord, BtG assure son positionnement en incitant les actions qui font apparaitre le lien transport-climat et en promouvant la réduction de l’écart des politiques sectorielles.

Bridging the Gap compte actuellement avec huit partenaires internationaux: CODATU, GIZ, TRL, Transdev, UITP, ITDP, The Korea Transport Institution et le Wuppertal Institute. Par ailleurs, BtG travaille en étroite collaboration avec SLoCaT notamment dans le cadre de la Journée du Transport, événement organisé en parallèle aux Conférences des Parties (COPs).

GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)

GIZ est l’agence allemande de coopération internationale pour le développement. La GIZ a été fondée en 2011, elle fait suite à la GTZ agence de coopération technique fondée en 1974.

La GIZ est porteuse de la plateforme SUTP, “Sustainable Urban Transport Project” dont le but est d’aider les villes en développement à mettre en place des systèmes de transport durable.

La GIZ est membre du réseau Bridging the Gap auquel CODATU participe également.