Photo Competition 2015 – “Change mobility, not climate” – Results available!

Photo Competition 2015 – “Change mobility, not climate” – Results available!
Marion Hoyez
Chargée de projets
Lorenza Tomasoni
Déléguée Générale Adjointe
CODATU News Saturday 28 November 2015

heighten the awareness on the reality and risks that emissions brings to our society, and its impacts on climate change, CODATU, with the support of the Union of Public and Railway Transport (UTP) and the Association of Transport Authorities (GART), has organized a photo competition on the following theme:

Change mobility not climate

The aim was to enhance the impact of urban transport in fighting climate change through images that challenge us to re-imagine mobility in the most original and engaging way!

The winning pictures displayed in many french public transport networks during COP21

The winning photos will be displayed in public transport networks of several cities in France, and on the home page of CODATU website, during the two weeks of COP21 in Paris. The Oise Department (France), Loir-et-cher Department (France), Cote d’Armor Department (France), Rennes Metropolis (France), Lyon Metropolis (France), Reunion Island (French Overseas Region), Grand Tarbes and Perpignan-Mediterranee Urban Areas have committed to display the photos in their Public Transport Network. Many other cities contacted with us to show photos.

A selection of the best photos will also travel to various countries to be displayed at conferences, festivals, galleries and other urban transport related events such as the Sustainable Transport Award (STA) organised every January by the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) in Washington DC during the Transport Research Board event gathering more than 12.000 people.

If you are interested to show photos in your network or during an event you are organising, please contact Marion Hoyez.

Discover the selection of the best pictures

The pictures have been selected by an international jury and CODATU followers on its facebook page.


Partenaires associés

UTP (Union des Transports Publics et Ferroviaires)

est l’organisation professionnelle des entreprises de transport urbain et des entreprises ferroviaires (fret et voyageurs) en France.

Groupement des Autorités Responsables de Transport (GART)

Plus de 200 autorités organisatrices de transport – autorités organisatrices de la mobilité, départements et régions français – sont adhérentes auprès du GART. Fondé en 1980, le GART est une plate-forme d’échanges et de réflexion au service des élus transport, le GART propose des axes de travail visant à impulser la mise en place de la mobilité durable. Le GART représente toutes les sensibilités politiques.