WCTRS 2016 : Call for abstracts

Chantal PICARD
Assistante du Délégué Général
Actualité Partenaire Friday 19 December 2014

Cet article est une actualité Partenaire

WCTRS 2016: call
for abstracts

The World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS) announces that the 14th World Conference will be held from the 10-15 July 2016 in Shanghai (China) at Tongji University. The WCTRS Young Researchers’ Conference will take place on 10 July 2016.

The aims of the conference are to offer a unique opportunity to bring together experts in all aspects of transport research, from all parts of the world and to stimulate the exchange of ideas in the broad field of transport research.

Format and Call for Papers
The conference is structured into 8 topic areas which include a total of 39 session tracks which aim to present and discuss the latest advances in their fields. Contributions are invited by 15 March 2015 for oral and poster presentations within these sessions.

For many session tracks a close cooperation with related journals has already been agreed, so that the best papers are expected to be published in peer-reviewed journals after the Conference.
Authors are invited to submit contributions to the following topic areas:
A: Transport Modes – General
B: Freight Transport and Logistics
C: Traffic Management, Operations and Control
D: Activity and Transport Demand
E: Transport Economics and Finance
F: Transport, Land-use and Sustainability
G: Transport Planning and Policy
H: Transport in Developing and Emerging Countries
Detailed information on the submission and review process together with the content of each Topic Area and its Session Tracks as well as the links between individual session tracks and specific journals is available on the conference website.

Partenaires associés

WCTRS (World Conference on Transport Research)

L’objectif de WCTRS est d’établir un forum d’échanges entre chercheurs, gestionnaires, décideurs partout dans le monde, dans une perspective multimodale, multidisciplinaire et multisectorielle. WCTRS est devenu le forum principal d’échanges internationaux