International Conference “Financing urban sustainable development” – May 27th, 2016

Actualité CODATU Monday 2 May 2016
Institute of the Economics of Energy Sources (IEFE) – Bocconi, in collaboration with UN SDSN – Thematic Network Urban Development and the European Commission – Regional Office in Milan, is organizing an International Conference on:

“Financing urban sustainable development”

This conference which will be held on Friday, 27th May 2016 (8.45 – 15.30) at Bocconi University, Room N03, Piazza Sraffa 13, Milan (Italy).

The conference aims to set the current agenda on urban sustainability and to elaborate solutions in collaboration with key stakeholders to finance the implementation of sustainable development targets at urban level.

The focus of the conference will be on the European and Italian context. The conference will convey experts from international organizations, financial institutions, universities and research centres, as well as representatives from the EU, national and local governments.
Participation is free, subject to registration through Bocconi University’s website.

The programme and link for registration will be announced soon.