Forum to build more sustainable and livable cities
2015 presents great opportunities for Turkey to transform cities into more livable and sustainable places. The Annual Livable Cities Symposium, organized each year in November, hosts experts from Turkey and around the world to share best practises. Livable Cities Symposium aims to support decision-makers and implementers from various cities in building more sustainable and livable cities.
To be organized for the third time, Livable Cities Symposium will focus on energy efficiency in urban transport, sustainable transport projects, innovative approaches for smart cities, sustainable urban development, road safety and financial supports for cities.
Süleyman Demirel Convention Center,
Istanbul Technical University Ayazaga Campus
Istanbul – Turkey
November 19-20th, 2015
For more information regarding the program of the event and the speakers, visit the following website: http://www.embarqturkiye-yasanabilirsehirler.org/en